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HomeArchive by category "Guides"


9:49 pm

Understanding Image Formats: Choosing the Right Format for Your Website

When it comes to optimizing images for your website, choosing the right image format is crucial. Different image formats have unique characteristics that impact file size, image quality, and browser compatibility. In this guide, we'll explore the most common image formats and rank them from best to worst for web usage. 1. JPEG (Joint Photographic[continue...]

11:06 pm

How to Redirect/Forward a Website (URL redirection)

There are different ways for you to redirect a domain to another one or, in general, one URL to another. Most of the available options are explained in this article: 1. Using our URL Redirection tool In your Control Panel you will find the URL Redirection section (Advanced > URL  Redirection). For detailed information about the[continue...]

2:44 pm

How to add a Catch-All Email address

What is a catchall email account and how to setup and use one? A catchall email account would receive all the emails sent to any non-existent email address at your domain name. So if you have only one email account, for example support@my-best-domain.com, but someone sends an email to suport@my-best-domain.com (note that support is misspelled[continue...]

1:17 pm

How to Set Up an Email Address on Mobile or Email Software

Setting up an email address on your mobile device or email software allows you to access and manage your email messages with ease. Follow the steps below to configure your email account using the recommended SSL settings and the provided information for Tierra Hosting's email settings. Step 1: Gather Information Before you start setting up[continue...]

1:00 pm

Understanding File Types: What Can and Cannot be Done with Different File Extensions

As a web hosting client, it's important to understand the different file types and their limitations. Each file type has a specific purpose and functionality, and it's crucial to use them correctly to ensure that your website or web application functions as intended. In this blog post, we will explore common file types and their[continue...]

12:32 pm

5 Essential PHP Functions for Web Development

As a web developer, PHP offers a wide range of powerful functions that can help you build dynamic and interactive web applications. Here are five essential PHP functions that you should be familiar with: echo(): The echo() function is used to output data to the browser. It's a fundamental PHP function that allows you to[continue...]

9:19 pm

Securing Your PHP Code: Best Practices

In this post, we will explore some best practices for securing your PHP code and protecting your web applications from common security threats. PHP has built-in features and functions that can help you write secure code and minimize the risk of vulnerabilities. Securing your PHP code is crucial to protect your web applications from potential[continue...]

9:07 pm

Working with Dates and Times in PHP

In this post, we will dive into handling dates and times in PHP, which is a common requirement in many web applications. PHP provides several built-in functions to work with dates and times effectively. Working with dates and times is a fundamental aspect of web development. PHP provides built-in functions such as date() and strtotime()[continue...]

9:02 pm

Basic PHP Functions for Novice Users – Part 3

Welcome back to our blog series on basic PHP functions for novice users of Tierra Hosting! In our previous posts, we covered essential PHP functions for file uploading, database connection, email sending, date formatting, and data validation. In this post, we will explore a few more commonly used PHP functions that can help you further[continue...]

8:55 pm

Basic PHP Functions for Novice Users – Part 2

Welcome back to our blog series on basic PHP functions for novice users of Tierra Hosting! In our previous post, we covered some essential PHP functions, including file uploading and MySQL database connection. In this post, we will explore a few more commonly used PHP functions that can help you enhance your website's functionality. The[continue...]