Tierra Hosting

HomecPanel Application Hosting

Over 449 Scripts, and More, Available

Softaculous Using the power of the Softaculous, Tierra Hosting is able to offer you a number of popular third-party scripts that you can install with a single click. For website novices or anybody that likes to do things "the easy way", installing scripts from within your cPanel control panel gives you more time to work on your website and less time trying to get it setup.
WordPressJoomla 2.5PrestaShop 1.6JoomlaAbanteCartOpenCart 1.5Drupal 7phpBBSMFWHMCSOpen Real EstateMagento 1.9MyBBpH7BuilderLaravelDolphinMoodle 3.5OpenCart 3Concrete CMSGalleryClipBucketOxwallPubvanaPiwigoownCloudCodeIgniterMODXMoodleDolibarrClicShopping AIRoundcubee107CE PhoenixDrupalMediaWiki 1.27XoopsosCommerceJcowVtigerCMS Made SimpleOpen Source Social NetworkElgg 2Seo PanelChamiloosTicketyiiAEFZen CartphpMyAdminPHP-FusionCopperminephpListHESKAkauntingMagento 2.3WebMail LiteBootstrapGeeklogLimeSurveyComposrFeng OfficeVanillaYetiForceZikulaNextcloudDotclearSerendipityDokuWikiWebsiteBakerProjectSendLoaded CommerceMibew MessengerSitePadZenphotob2evolutionTextpatternMatomoLiteCartPodcast GeneratorDrupal 6WebCalendarPrestaShopSquirrelMailSLiMSSugarCRMOpen Journal SystemsRainLoop WebmailHumHubRukovoditelMauticYOURLSEtanoInvoice NinjaSuiteCRMthirty beesQuestion2AnswerCakePHPFrontAccountingLive helper chatPunBBSilverStripeWeBidForm ToolsPyroCMSSymfonyProcessWireRosarioSISPydioTinyWebGalleryClarolineMediaWiki 1.39CollabtiveqdPMSubrionTiki Wiki CMS Groupware 18CubeCartSPIPOpen Source Point of SaleNibbleblogTYPO3 6ZendHTMLydotProjectTYPO3 45BookedContaoGLPIFluxBBEPESIbbPressXMBGRAVSitemagic CMSQuick.CartVision HelpdeskPhorumImpressPagesMyWebSQLOrangeHRMCumulusClipsOpenNewsletterSymfony2Mantis Bug TrackerPASTEEspoCRMeXtplorerCS-Cart Store Builder FreeQuick.CMSRedaxscriptwebtreesSoholaunchProjectPierPopojiCMSMoodle 2.6NucleusOctoberCMSBlestaUNASIDUMicroweberMoodle 2.0ChyrpInvoicePlaneImpressCMSPmWikiLittlePollLycheeSnipe-ITTiny Tiny RSSElkArteWonderCMSCheveretoMonstraFlarumphpwcmsEGroupwareLuxCalX2CRMOpen Business CardwallabagSales SyntaxMoodle 3.7Faveo HelpdeskAdminerTCExamHelpDeskZArfooo4imagesFirefly IIIKanboardImpleoBluditGroup OfficeThe Bug GenieGibbonAmpacheTYPO3OmekaArasttaSeedDMSZurmowebERPShopwarePhpGedViewFamily ConnectionsFUDforumATutorMonsta FTPPluXmlSiteCakeKohanaAdvanced PollSimple PHP PollLetoDMSInfiniteWPOpen Web AnalyticsUIkitliveSiteChurchCRMPHProjektAlegroCartPimcoreFlatPressWikkaWikiExpressionEngineKopageOpenCartUserSpiceAgora-ProjectOpenDocManOpenSupportsWBCE CMSTaskFreakSmartySeoToasterBoltForma LMSTine 2.0MaharaiGalerieOpen eShopAvactisHTML PurifierVX GuestbookNuked KlanphpMyFAQMaian SupportOsClass ClassifiedsFuelPHPKirbyThelia 2ForkJamroomBlaB! AXPivotXSOPlanningEasyPollZeuscartminiBBCarbon ForumPagekitAJAX ChatILIASselfossFreshRSSTiki Wiki CMS Groupware 21ClientExecTypesetterHubzillaWinterCMSLogaholicCSZ CMSmy little forumTidyBBProjeQtOrDomainMODSQLiteManagerEasyAppointmentsu-AuctionsRicarGBooKPrestaShop 1.4KimaiCommenticsZenTaoDirectusSentrifugoGNU socialGroup Office 6.1BagistoFiyo CMSrazorCMSLogic InvoiceNukeViet CMSClassicPressKokenZenbershipphpCollabCJ Dynamic PollBackdrop CMSInvoice Ninja 4WordPress 5.0AdmidioAtlantis CMSSimplePieWordPress 4.9Symfony3TYPO3 10FreeScoutIceHrmWebasystSavsoft QuizPluckphpLiteAdminPlikli CMSFusioWordPress 5.3TastyIgniterXClonerCroogoCotontiWordPress 5.1WordPress 5.2LeafpubopenSISUVdeskWordPress 5.4ZenarioPostfix AdminWhatACartElgg 3MagentoHelpDEZkOmeka SWebCollabPRADOLEPTONHotaru CMSMagento 1.7AnchorLibreHealth EHRAttendizeConcrete CMS 5.7TraqHablatorTangoBBnet2ftpTiki Wiki CMS Groupware 15Little Software StatsCMSimplephpDocumentorBeehiveMediaWikiMoodle 3.6QloAppsBugsGallery 2HuMo-genealogyUnclassified NewsBoardManage Your TeamEventumMagento 2.2Open Monograph PressWordPress 5.5VtyPEEL SHOPPINGPHP Address BookWordPress 5.6SCHLIX CMSHandeskElgg 1MinifluxConcrete CMS 5.6XMSMaian CartappRainGeniXCMSElggSaurusPrecurioFlatboardJoraniUnmarkTestLinkLaravel 10Moodle 3.9WordPress 5.8ClipperCMSElgg 6PrestaShop 1.7Joomla 4BurdenReader SelfSuperCaliMediaWiki 1.31phpMyAdmin 4.9Open Preprint SystemsFramadateWordPress 5.9Drupal 8WordPress 5.7Drupal 9WordPress 6.0Tiki Wiki CMS GroupwareCastopodWordPress 6.1Wolf CMSOpenCart 2SofaWikiMediaWiki 1.35WHMCS 8.1Moodle 3.8osTicket 1.14Blesta 4LimeSurvey 3WHMCS 8.2Magento 2.4.2Moodle 3.11Vtiger 7.3WHMCS 8.3Concrete CMS 8.5SMF 2.0Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 26WordPress 6.5osTicket 1.17Joomla 3.10Zikula 1.5osTicket 1.12Moodle 3.10WordPress 6.3WordPress 6.2Magento 2.4.1Drupal 10LimeSurvey 5Moodle 4.0Moodle 4.1Group Office 6.7SuiteCRM 7WordPress 6.4WHMCS 8.9Open Journal Systems 3.3Moodle 4.2Moodle 4.3

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Softaculous ?

Softaculous is an Instant/Auto Installer. Softaculous helps users to install free/opensource softwares in minutes. A user can install a software, available in Softaculous, without having to download/upload any files, change any files. Additionally we have made it possible for the user to choose the software they think is the best, after showing them ratings voted by users who have already tested and used the softwares. In short, Softaculous just helps you to install softwares really FAST.

How to install a software ?

Installing a software using Softaculous is very simple. After choosing the software of your type click on the Install Tab of that software. Just fill in the details required therein and click Install. Voila your software installation is complete. In case a software requires to be installed using its own Setup Functions then Softaculous will just copy the required files and provide a link to the Setup Page of that software.

I get an error while installing a software ?

Most of the time the errors may be for providing wrong user inputs. For e.g. you may provide an invalid email address or a Directory, Database Name which already exists. In such a case just provide a valid email address or another Directory, Database Name. If problems persist please contact support.

Where to get support for a software ?

Softaculous does not provide support for any kind of software. If you want any support for a software, please visit their respective Support Sites. The links to Support Sites will be available in the Overview Tab of the respective software.

How to remove a software ?

To remove a software, go to the Overview of that software. There in the Current Installations section, click on the Remove Link of the installation you wish to remove. It will then show a page showing some options. Select the options as pre your choice and Click on the Remove Installation button. Please NOTE, that these actions are irreversible and an installation once removed will not be available again.

What are software ratings ?

Softaculous makes it possible for users to Rate a Software. So the ratings of a software you see are the votes given by individual users like you. It enables a new user to select the best software in a particular category.

How do I rate a software ?

Rating a software is pretty simple. Just click on the Ratings Tab. It will open a new page showing the ratings of that software. Select the ratings you wish to give to that software and click Submit Ratings.

Where can I see the Demo of a software ?

A demo link will be given for each software so that you can actually see and use the software before installing it. The demo may either be available at the respective softwares site or Softaculous Demo Site.