Tierra Hosting

HomeFYI Domain Names
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Domain Name
$ 19.95 per year
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FYI Domain Names from $19.95/year

Keep up with the latest and greatest with .FYI

What's happening in the world? You can keep website visitors up to date on the topics that matter to you with a .FYI domain. Whether it's company updates, breaking news, or just a way to keep up with family and friends, .FYI is a great platform for staying informed.

Grab a .FYI Domain from Tierra Hosting!

Why choose a .FYI domain?
  • Businesses and websites can create a .FYI landing page for a newsletter or blog.
  • News sites can use .FYI to convey to web visitors that they provide breaking news and information.
  • .FYI can also be used for businesses or individuals to answer commonly asked questions or to inform their audience of a new topic.

Other supported TLDs:

.FYI Specification

Registration period: 1 year
Transfer option: Yes
Edit WHOIS: Yes
ID Protection: Yes